The Problem of Evil

by Pastor Tony Polzella

At some point in everyone’s life, we all ponder the same question about the existence of God. We think about all the evil in the world and then wonder, “If there is such a One as an all-powerful God, then why is there so much tragedy, suffering, and pain in this world?” This question (or some form of it) has been asked since the beginning of time. It just seems like a paradox to our logical way of thinking. Although this is a very common question, it is by no means an easy one to answer. It is a question that has been debated by some of the greatest theological minds throughout history.

It seems that most people think about this problem very deeply after they themselves have been hurt or even devastated by some tragic event. It is for this reason that it deserves an answer that is not trite or condescending; nor should it be dismissed with a few simple words or phrases. The answer to this question needs to be presented with compassion as to one going through a very difficult time.

It is in that light that I will attempt to formulate an answer.

How Could There Be A God?

Many people assume that the existence of evil disproves the existence of God; however, that is not the case. It was never God’s intention for the world to be filled with evil. In fact, when God created the world, He observed and saw that it was all “good” (Genesis, Chapter 1). But when He created mankind, He created us with a quality that is both a tremendous gift, and yet, has the greatest potential to cause unlimited problems – the quality of “free will.” As Josh McDowell wrote, “… genuine love cannot exist unless freely given through free choice and will, and thus, man was given the choice to accept God’s love or to reject it. This choice made the possibility of evil become very real.” What McDowell is saying is that we cannot be forced into loving someone – in this case, God. By the same token and because of free will, we cannot be forced into making “right” or “good” decisions. Sometimes the decisions we make hurt people or even ourselves. Likewise, poor decisions can also destroy the otherwise great plans that God had for our lives.


So, how does this relate to our topic? God gave everyone a choice to serve Him. When He created them, He even gave the angels this choice. Sadly the scriptures tell us that one-third of the angels fell along with Lucifer when he rebelled against God. Additionally, at creation, God gave dominion and authority over this planet to mankind. Now we can start to see the problem. With man’s ability of choice coupled with the temptations that come from satan, mankind repeatedly falls into the depths of sin. So, because we have authority, when wrong choices are made, bad things happen. Fortunately for us, forgiveness of sin has been made available by the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Christ. But as a whole, mankind has still caused a lot of problems for this planet.


Another answer to our question could also have to do with the concept of God’s Hand of protection. The scriptures allude to the fact that if we (mankind) stray away from God (through our choices and behavior), we stray from His protection as well. Therefore, the world in general walks out from His protection and into a dangerous, evil place. In fact, the entire book of Job illustrates what happens if the protective hand of God is lifted.


Unfortunately, we don’t have all the answers to this enormous question. Our view of life is quite limited compared to the big picture in God’s grand scheme, but although evil is here and it is a reality, it is (to the believer) also temporary. Revelation 21:4 tells us that there is a new world coming in which there will be no more tears or pain because all things will be made new… This is the hope that we have.

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